For A Greener Tomorrow, For A Better Tomorrow

In the last couple of decades, the focus of companies and for-profit organizations has shifted from “profits” alone to instead “taking care of all their stakeholders”. Part of this change is voluntary and part of it is driven by increased scrutiny and regulatory changes.

Cosmo First Limited has carried out an in-depth sustainability review of its processes and operations and we are pleased to report the results in our first sustainability report. We hope that all the stakeholders in our company will find this report useful.  


Cosmo First Limited has been committed to sustainability for almost 40 years. Driving product efficiency, eliminating high-impact gases, and improving efficiency throughout operations and our supply chain is not only good for the environment, it’s good for business too.

5.0% Reduction in carbon emissions Scope 1

5.0% Reduction in carbon emissions Scope 1

2.0% Reduction in carbon emissions Scope 2

2.0% Reduction in carbon emissions Scope 2

50% Targeted water treatment

50% Targeted water treatment

35% of water treated at Cosmo

35% of water treated at Cosmo

95% Waste reduction

95% Waste reduction

INR 5+ crores Initial Capital investments to reduce environmental impact

INR 5+ crores Initial Capital investments to reduce environmental impact

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